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Tackling the rising costs of higher education

Tackling the rising costs of higher education

Nearly 20 million Americans attend college each year, and, of those, nearly 60% borrow annually to help cover costs. While many may borrow to pay for tuition, there are challenges associated with debt that may be particularly difficult for students seeking a job after graduation. The Federal Reserve notes that there is roughly $1 trillion

Too big a tax bite in 2013? Review strategies to help your clients in 2014.

Too big a tax bite in 2013? Review strategies to help your clients in 2014.

If clients are stinging from this year’s tax bill, it’s time to consider strategies that may improve the situation for next year. The 2013 tax year is the first that some taxpayers saw the difference in their bills due to higher marginal income tax rates and new taxes resulting from the health-care reform law, including

New ruling on rollovers could impact your IRA clients

New ruling on rollovers could impact your IRA clients

A recent decision by the United States Tax Court limits the number of IRA rollovers that an individual can do in a year. While the new ruling may cause confusion or concern for some clients, the limit does not apply to direct transfers. IRA owners may move funds from one IRA to another either by

How long will savings last? Have a talk on retirement sustainability.

How long will savings last? Have a talk on retirement sustainability.

Many savers are not sure how much money they can withdraw in retirement and help their savings last. In fact, 88% of participants in the Employee Benefit Research Institute’s 2014 confidence survey, said it would be valuable to receive a recommendation for a monthly withdrawal rate from the financial firm that handles their plan. Accumulating

Tax time: Schedule a client talk on IRAs

Tax time: Schedule a client talk on IRAs

With the April 15 deadline approaching for making a 2013 tax year contribution to an individual retirement account, it is a good time to talk about tax strategy. And with varying types of IRAs available, clients of all income levels may benefit. Higher-income clients who may not be eligible to contribute to a Traditional or