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Three reasons to contact clients about the estate tax

Three reasons to contact clients about the estate tax

The American Taxpayer Relief Act of 2012 made several estate tax provisions permanent, creating planning opportunities that advisors may review with clients seeking to lessen the tax impact. 1. New exemption amount affects all clients The now-permanent $5 million exemption may have unintended consequences for clients at lower wealth levels who feel they do not

New estate tax exemption offers lasting fix

New estate tax exemption offers lasting fix

The American Taxpayer Relief Act of 2012 made permanent changes to the federal estate tax law, including establishing a $5 million exemption, indexed for inflation. The new exemption amount means approximately 4,000 estates could still cross the threshold and be subject to estate tax, according to the Tax Policy Center. This number is fewer than

Clients should act now if they want to avoid taxes on recent RMDs

Clients should act now if they want to avoid taxes on recent RMDs

With the passage of the American Taxpayer Relief Act of 2012, Congress extended for 2013 the option for IRA owners over the age of 70½ to make tax-free distributions from an IRA, if those funds are directed to a qualified charity. However, time is running out to take advantage of a new retroactive provision that

Taxes rise for high earners as Congress remedies fiscal cliff fall

Taxes rise for high earners as Congress remedies fiscal cliff fall

Congress approved a bipartisan agreement to reverse spending cuts and tax hikes slated to take effect this year, a day after the United States technically went over the fiscal cliff. As of January 1, 2013, some $600 billion in federal spending cuts and tax hikes were scheduled to take effect, mandated by the Budget Control

Congress eyes cuts to tax preference items

Congress eyes cuts to tax preference items

As Congress debates fixes for the budget deficit and reviews options to grow revenues, provisions in the tax code that have benefited investors are under scrutiny. Tax reform proposals, such as the Bowles-Simpson recommendations, call for a significant scaleback in the use of tax preference items, including many itemized deductions. More recently, plans endorsed by

Before tax rates rise, consider cost basis reset strategy

Before tax rates rise, consider cost basis reset strategy

With uncertainty around key tax rates as 2013 nears, many clients are looking for tactical strategies to consider in 2012 while rates are still historically low. In fact, for some clients, tax rates on long-term capital gains cannot go any lower: In the 10% and 15% tax brackets, the capital gains tax rate is zero.

Five tax strategies before the fiscal cliff

Five tax strategies before the fiscal cliff

While there has been no action yet on the fiscal cliff, high-income earners are wise to prepare for higher taxes, fewer or capped deductions, or all of the above. The window of opportunity to take advantage of tax strategies while tax rates remain historically low is narrowing, so now is the time to contact clients

Year-end planning may offer opportunities for business building

Year-end planning may offer opportunities for business building

The final quarter may be the busiest time for financial planning as clients focus on preparing for 2013. This year in particular has presented many challenges for clients as they try to grow and protect assets in the face of uncertainty around taxes and fiscal policy. Some key end-of-year strategies for consideration include: Contact clients

RMD season is approaching

RMD season is approaching

Many older investors choose to satisfy their required minimum distributions (RMDs) by making withdrawals from retirement accounts annually in December. That makes now a good time to contact clients and help them stay on track. The Internal Revenue Service has specific rules for taking RMDs. In fact, the penalty for not taking a required distribution

Election brings some clarity, but taxes rising

Election brings some clarity, but taxes rising

President Obama’s decisive re-election this week brought some clarity to investors, but the critical issues of averting the impending fiscal cliff and resolving the debt ceiling remain before Congress. While uncertainty surrounds the resolution of these issues, certain programs and tax increases will move forward. Taxes will rise for some The re-election of President Obama