Six strategies for maximizing college financial aid

Six strategies for maximizing college financial aid

Preparing to apply for college financial aid should begin well before a student even fills out his or her first college application. In fact, saving early and understanding the application process are important actions to take in order to maximize the potential for financial aid. offers a college preparation guide with 15 ways to

Tackling the rising costs of higher education

Tackling the rising costs of higher education

Nearly 20 million Americans attend college each year, and, of those, nearly 60% borrow annually to help cover costs. While many may borrow to pay for tuition, there are challenges associated with debt that may be particularly difficult for students seeking a job after graduation. The Federal Reserve notes that there is roughly $1 trillion

Six ways to connect with your clients’ next generation

Six ways to connect with your clients’ next generation

Financial advisors can lose between 80% and 90% of their business when a client dies, according to Financial Planning news. The challenge for advisors is to develop family relationships in order to continue to work with the next generation after a client passes away. There can be obstacles, such as geographic proximity, that make it

Three reasons why 529 plans remain popular

Three reasons why 529 plans remain popular

The back-to-school season can be a good time to talk about college savings. As many parents would attest, before you realize it, back to school means back to college. A 529 college savings plan remains one of the most popular vehicles for saving for college costs, largely due to the ease of account creation, flexibility,

Tax breaks extended for college savings

Tax breaks extended for college savings

The American Taxpayer Relief Act of 2012 extends or leaves intact provisions that may benefit families saving for and funding a college education. 529 plans unchanged The new law did not affect 529 college savings plans, which offer some of the most meaningful tax benefits to savers. Account owners pay no federal income tax on