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How does your state rate on taxes?

How does your state rate on taxes?

Finding the ideal place to retire means weighing many pros and cons. The size of the tax bite can vary greatly by state. Use this interactive graphic to see how the states measure up. Click on the map below to launch the interactive graphic. All data is current as of 10/21/11 and is subject to

Planning considerations for non-traditional households: unmarried couples

Planning considerations for non-traditional households: unmarried couples

Unmarried couples have unique financial planning considerations because the rules involving retirement, insurance, income taxes, and estate taxes differ from those that apply to married couples. Fortunately, planning strategies may be used to deal with varying limitations or exclusions. Retirement. Beneficiary designations are critical for unmarried couples because they cannot take advantage of rules governing

Too late to avoid AMT?

Too late to avoid AMT?

As the tax filing deadline approaches, many clients may think it is too late to reduce their tax bill and possibly avoid the alternative minimum tax. If you have shared tax-savings strategies with clients, now may be a good time to check in to see if they have followed up on them, before they complete

Time to talk about charitable contributions

Time to talk about charitable contributions

It is never too early in the year to talk to your clients about making donations to charity. In fact, the tax benefits may never be better than those available in 2012. Under pressure to solve the federal budget deficit, leaders on Capitol Hill are eyeing a range of tax reform proposals. In addition, many

New money market fund regulations could reshape the industry

New money market fund regulations could reshape the industry

Since the 2008 financial crisis, regulators at the Securities and Exchange Commission have been seeking ways to make money market funds safer. But their most recent proposals have some in the financial industry worried that future changes will undermine money market funds’ appeal. According to Investor’s Business Daily, ”the rules expected to be formally proposed

Time for an IRA checkup?

Time for an IRA checkup?

Considering the many ways that an IRA can be used to help reduce taxable income, tax season is a good time for an IRA checkup — especially since investors have until April 15 to fund contributions for last year. Additionally, with many people holding numerous jobs throughout their career, your clients may have several IRAs