Taxpayers face challenges as tax provisions sunset in 2025
Unless Congress acts, current tax rates and most tax provisions in the tax code will sunset in 2025.
Unless Congress acts, current tax rates and most tax provisions in the tax code will sunset in 2025.
Some energy tax credits, along with deductions for college expenses and charitable giving, are among dozens of tax breaks that expired at the end of 2013 and will not be reinstated unless Congress takes action. The Joint Committee on Taxation reports that 55 temporary tax provisions, also known as “tax extenders” because they are often
With the passage of the American Taxpayer Relief Act of 2012, Congress extended for 2013 the option for IRA owners over the age of 70½ to make tax-free distributions from an IRA, if those funds are directed to a qualified charity. However, time is running out to take advantage of a new retroactive provision that